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HTML Full Course Step By Step All About HTML Coding, tags, Versions, Attribute, General Structure of HTML.


What is HTML?

Ans: The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. It is not a programming language; it is a markup language that makes it easy to create web pages.

HTML is a Markup Language, Markup Language is a combination of some markup tags that can be used to display different things (text, image, video, etc.) on a webpage.

Discovery of HTML and some information: -

HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The origin of HTML is for the purpose of quickly transferring information from one part of the world to another.

HTML Versions: -







HTML 2.0


HTML 3.2


HTML 4.01


HTML 1.0







Advantages and Disadvantages of HTML: -

Advantages Of HTML: -

1.HTML language is very easy to learn.

2.It can be used for free.

3.Almost all browsers support HTML

4.The case is not sensitive. <HTML> <html>

5.Webpages created in HTML take less time to load.

6.Text, Images, Audio, Video, Etc. Can be easily attached to HTML page.

Disadvantages of HTML: -

1. Syntax is to be remembered when writing code.

2. It is not possible to create a dynamic page.

HTML Tag & HTML Element: -

Tag is the lifeblood of HTML. The HTML document is basically a combination of tags.

Example: -

HTML Tags are keywords, which are limited by angle brackets <> on both sides.

There are basically two types of tags used in HTML.

1.Container Tags (It has opening and closing tags)

Opening Tag

Closing Tag




Opens and closes an HTML document



The first of two main sections of an HTML document. The <head> section is used to provide information about the document for use primarily by search engines and browsers.



The title of document.



The second of two main sections of an HTML document. The <body> section contains all the content of the web page.






A container for a block of content



A container for in-line content, such as content inside a paragraph.



Gives the contained text emphasis



Makes the contained text bold

<a href = “document location”>





Ordered list



Unordered list



List item



Adds a table



Table row



Table header



Table data

2.Empty Tag (There is no closing tag)




The image map area element


The Document Base URL element


Line Break element


Table Column element


Embed External Content


Thematic Break (Horizontal Rule)


Image Embed


External Resource Link




Object Parameter


Media Or Image Source


Text Track


Link Break Opportunity


The Attribute is used to increase the efficiency of the HTML Tag.

The general structure of HTML


1.<!DOCTYPRhtml> (Always add the <!DOCTYPE> declaration to your HTML documents, so that the browser knows what type of document to expect).

2.Each HTML file must start with a <html> tag and end with a </html> tag.

3. <head> </head> (It usually contains the data, the title of the page.

4.<body> </body> (What is displayed on the web page is to be written in this tag)

All you need to do is create an HTML file: -

1. Writing HTML programs requires a text editor.

Example: Notepad, WordPad, MS-Word, VS code, etc.

2. A browser will need to see the output or results of the HTML program.

Example: Mozila, Google Chrome, etc.

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