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All About function in C program. C programming Tutorial User defined function and pre defined function step by step part -12



What is Function?

Ans: - Function is the block of a statement that can call by another function is called function.

Or: - A function is a set of statement that takes input, do some specific computation, and produce output.

Note: - Function run only when it is called.

In C program function is divided into two parts: -

1.   Library Function or Pre defined function

1.   Printf();

2.   Scanf();

3.   Strcpy();

4.   Puts();

5.   Etc.

2.   User defined Function.(created by user )

1.   Void add();

2.   Int sum();

3.   Void m1();

4.   Void main();

User-defined function syntax: -

Return-type function-name( )


   || Statement;


Category of user-defined function: -

A function, depending on whether arguments are present or not and whether a value is returned or not, may belong to one of the following categories.

1.   Function with no argument and no return values.

2.   Function with argument and no return value.

3.   Function With argument and return value.

4.   Function with no argument but return value.


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