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Basic C Program All About Comments And Escape Sequence Part-7


Comments And Escape Sequence

What’s the comment? What is the purpose of using comments in the program?

Ans: The comment is to make a note for yourself or someone else while writing the source code.

The purpose of using comments in the program

1. To make the purpose of the program easier to understand.

2. Used to write descriptions of programs.

3. To explain what a line of the program means.

There are two types of comments

1. Single line comment

2. Multiple line comment

Single line comment:

1. Single-line comment anywhere in the program can be used.

2. Single-line comment starts with (//).

3. After compiling something with (//) the compiler avoids it.



Multiple Line Comment:

1. Multiple line comments can be used anywhere in the program.

2. Multiple line comment starts with (/*).

3. Multiple line comments end with (*/).



1. Single-line comment was created by C++. Its use in C       programming is technically invalid, but some compilers will accept it.

2. In C, you can’t have one comment within another comment.


/*This is a comment

      /*This is another comment

        Inside comment*/

A syntax error*/


Escape sequence

The C program uses some Backslash Character which acts as an output function.

1. Usually a character is used after giving Backslash (\).

Character Escape Sequence





Back Space


Form Feed


New Line


Carriage Return


Vertical Tab


Null Character


Single Quote


Double Quote




Question mark


Horizontal Tab



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