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Basic C Program All Steps & Debugging Part-6

 Steps to create the program

Problems are solved with the help of programs. And there are some steps to follow to solve the problem. These steps are called program creation steps.

1. Problem Specification.

2. Problem Analysis.

3. Program Design.

4. Program Development.

5. Program Implementation.

6. Program Maintenance.


1. Problem Specification

1. Problem Identification.

2. Collection of information about the problem.

Example: The area of the triangle needs to be determined.

2. Problem Analysis

1. Input must be identified.

2. Output must be identified.

3. Need to determine the memory of the computer.

Example: Land and Height must be taken and area must be shown.

3. Program Design

     1. Algorithm

       2. Flowchart

4. Program Development

1. Program Coding

2. The algorithm needs to identify from the flowchart which programming language to use to write the program.

Example: C, C++, Java, etc.

5. Program Implementation

The implementation part has two important works.

1. Testing (Check if there are any errors in the program).

2. Debugging (Correction program errors).

6. Program Maintenance

 1.  We need to make sure that it can be used in the long run.

 2. Maintain as much hardware and documentation as possible with the program.



Mistakes in the program that’s called bugs. And if a mistake is found in the program it is corrected, it is called debugging.

Mistakes in the program can be divided into three parts.

1. Syntax Error.

2. Logical Error.

3. Information Error.

1. Syntax Error:

A grammatical error in a common programming language is called a syntax error.

Example: Misspellings. No commas, no brackets, etc.



2. Logical Error:

Logical errors in the program are called rational/logical errors.





3.Information Error:

If any information in the program is wrong, it’s called an information error.

Example: If the value of a variable is given the wrong value while inputting, the computer will not understand and display the wrong result.


At last, there are also a few kinds of errors in C that are not detected by the compiler.

1. Run time errors

2. Compile-time errors

These errors are not identified by the compiler and so they are termed as “EXCEPTIONS”.








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