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Wrong Flow Chart To Right Flow Chart Qbasic coding part -13


A student has been asked to prepare a flowchart that would calculate the AVERAGE marks of four subjects for FOUR students and output whether the candidate has achieved a FAIL, PASS, CREDIT, or EXCELLENT. For marks<50, it is FAIL, for marks<70, PASS, for marks<80, CREDIT and rest of EXCELLENT. The DATA used to test the flowchart is given on the left below. The first mark is for Maths, the second mark for English, the third mark is for Bangla and the fourth mark is for Science. The flowchart prepared by the student is given on the right below.

DATA “Nader”, 818380,84                                         

DATA “Aseal”, 8070, 76,74

DATA “Yousuf”, 60, 70, 65,65

DATA “Ali”, 50, 51, 45,42

DATA “End”, -1-1-1

Right Flow Chart

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